Custom Software: software for your daily operations.

Standard software suites are often powerful, but built for generic situations. What if there’s no fitting off-the-shelf solution for your company’s unique situation? Then we’ll help you get that solution anyway, by building you your own custom software. From first idea to full process automation: we’ll take every step together.
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Building true solutions can only be done if we really understand each other, and your company’s processes.


Once we’ve studied what the best answer to your question is, and if we decide together that custom software is the way to go, we’ll start building.


We start testing during development, together with you and your colleagues, so we can implement changes quickly and timely.


Building true solutions is only possible if we really understand each other, and your company’s processes. When you want your own software built, we’ll first discuss and analyse your question.

Together we’ll…

• …get to know each other so we can learn about you, your colleagues and your work environment. And you ours.

• …dig into your question and determine whether custom software is the right answer to it.

• …design a new workflow that helps you work better, faster and more convenient.

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Once we’ve studied what the best answer to your question is, and if we decide together that custom software is the way to go, we’ll start building. Of course we’ll do this in close contact with you. After all, during development new questions or feature requests can come along. Creating custom software is a living process.

We build...

• …for the platform of your choice. Whether that's desktop, Android or iOS.

• …in short sprints, so you can adjust when necessary.

• …according to a clear planning, so you’ll know what to expect when.

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When the biggest parts of your software are built, we start testing. We do this partly during development, so we can implement changes quickly and timely. And we perform the tests with you and your colleagues so we can process feedback right away.

The testing process…

•…has a streamlined feedback system.

• …is done together with you and your colleagues. After all, you’re the ones that’ll use the software.

• …starts during development, so we can implement feedback smartly.

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