Master Solutions has been around for a while. In the nearly two decades of our existence, we've been able to complete wonderful projects with our partners. We'll showcase a few here, to give you an idea of what we've done for other companies and how we might be able to help you.


The eye on your tools

We developed ToolSafe for a partner who performs maintenance on third party tools. They were looking for software to classify, manage, trace and verify tools. That's how ToolSafe was born. The most important functionalities:

» Online management through a web portal
» Automatic notifications let you know when it's time to check tools
» Notifications when certifications expire
» Barcode & RFID scanners, so you can scan tools and quickly pull up the relevant information
» Location & status tracking of tools, so you'll always know where your tools are & what their status is
» Module for uploading, saving and generating certificates

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Safe & healthy. Anywhere & anytime.

HSE-IRS is an advanced full software package for OHSE compliance (Occupational Health, Safety & Environment). We've built HSE-IRS to make it easy for you to comply with EU-wide safety & environmental laws. With HSE-IRS you can:

» Register, classify & manage incidents
» Perform risk analysis
» Review & manage open cases
» Centralise both in- and external information
» Create personal dashboards and control screens
» Run reports

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The central hub for your sales process

SalesFunnel is no-nonsense sales software. SalesFunnel functions like a framework for the entire sales process, from first contact to closing the deal. The software shows you at a glance in which phase of the process your prospects are, and how much you'll be able to gain from the deal. SalesFunnel has:

» An intuitive, clear dashboard with your most recent sales data
» Flexible, user friendly reports
» Project management tools
» An affordable, flexible pricing model
» Dynamic options so SalesFunnel will always work for your situation

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Recognizing phishing mails. How to spot them?

Phishing is a much-used cybercrime technique, with which criminals attempt to steal personal information or login credentials. They usually do this by creating official-looking messages that ask you to click a link they’ve sent...
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How to prevent Cybercrime? Five practical tips.

There’s stories about digital misery left and right. Cyberattacks on companies are an everyday occurrence, inflamed by the conflict in Ukraine. Apart from criminals who are looking for an accessible way...
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Asset Management: how & what?

Asset Management is essentially the answer to a very straightforward question: "What do you do when important equipment breaks down?" It's a simple question, but answering it requires some brainpower. Because whether it's about complex machinery or a lightbulb, you'll want a strategy...
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