Security Bridge: the moat around your assets.

At Master Solutions we love to help you make your day easier through automation and digitalisation. We also know that this brings more risks. Thankfully, we’ve got over 20 years of experience with digital and industrial security. Those 20+ are converged in Security Bridge; our complete solution for the security of all your automation.
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Security Bridge protects:


With consultancy and training we make sure your entire organisation’s resilient.

IT & OT networks

No matter where and how people work; Security Bridge keeps them safe. Machinery at the core of your production process? Security Bridge also protects those.


Your company data is invaluable. Security Bridge keeps it safe with monitoring and backups.


Security Bridge is specifically designed around stability and continuity. Because knowing your business can keep going, gives peace of mind. That’s why Security Bridge is equipped with measures that ensure that you can keep working in case something goes awry.

Security Bridge uses…

• …solely proven hard- and software to protect your assets.

• …backup servers that take over when a device or connection shuts down. Means you can just keep working.

• …detection capabilities to quickly identify and control problems. With live monitoring we can turn fast.

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Clearly defined processes and access control make sure that nobody gets places they aren’t supposed to be. Segregated roles, quality scanning tools and proper training keep your entire organisation safe.

Security Bridge uses...

• …zero-trust principles to make access to company data an exception. Not a rule.

• …continuous monitoring tools so we can react quickly and accordingly.

• …employee training, so everyone knows what to look out for. After all, security is everyone’s business.

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Security Bridge complies with all requirements that can be expected of suppliers, clients and insurance companies. So you’re ready for any security audits and you & your business partners can rest assured that your devices are properly protected.

Security Bridge…

• …meets documentation standards. We take care of the paperwork as well as the security.

• …is compliant with the demands of insurance companies, so you can take out an insurance policy without concern.

• …keeps your suppliers and business partners in mind.

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