About Master Solutions

Truly. We’ve tried. Describing our company culture with fancy-sounding one-liners filled with buzzwords. Firstly, it doesn’t cover what we do and secondly, it sounds exaggerated and fake. And that is precisely what we are not.

So... What are you then?

Well… We’re a diverse team with folks from many different professional backgrounds. What unites us is our love for tech and the belief that smart IT-solutions can enhance our lives. We like to think we don’t deal in IT, but in convenience. The more you can get done in less time, the more time you save for fun stuff! It’s for good reason that we operate under the motto “Experience Convenience”.

How that all started?

A history lesson:

In 1999 Orfeu Cairo established the company Master Network. Master Network grew from a previous company that installed cable modems. During this period, Orfeu already realised that IT and the internet would be a revolution in the way we perform our daily work.

When one of his customers asked to automate a single step in their process, Orfeu met Ali Mehrafar. Talented a software development as Ali is, in two weeks’ time he not only automated that single step, but the entire process; a complete solution. (Which, by the way, is still in use today, over 15 years later). As a result of this collaboration, Orfeu and Ali decided to join forces in 2006. Master Solutions was born. With a single goal: improving the lives of our business partners.


“Business Partners? Isn’t that just a fancy word for clients?”

Perhaps. But we place importance on doing projects on the basis of equivalence, trust and honesty. Just think of the famous phrase: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” We truly believe in that. We have to. We build full business solutions and you don’t do that by sitting in an ivory tower, speculating about what might work. You do that by examining the questions together and really dig deep. Your question and you processes are our focus.

Questions? Take a look at our FAQ or contact us