Software exists to make daily life easier and more fun. So we’re in the business of developing solutions that save you time and bring you fun. After all, we work to live, right? Not the other way around. Isn't it wonderful that our business software leaves you more time to spend your own way?

Columbo Inspectionsoftware

We’ve developed Columbo over 15 years’ time, together with inspectors. That’s why Columbo works for every field, from building inspections to water quality and playground equipment.

Custom Development

What if there’s no off-the-shelf solutions for your company’s unique situation? Then we’ll help you get that solution anyway, by building you your own custom software.

Business Intelligence

Business data holds massive amounts of information to improve your day-to-day work even more. That is, if that data’s presented nicely and clearly. We’ll help you with that.

Columbo Inspectionsoftware

Smarter inspections, faster results

We’ve developed Columbo over 15 years’ time, together with inspectors. That’s why Columbo works for every field, from building inspections to water quality and playground equipment. We stay in constant contact with inspection companies, so we know what inspectors and their management encounter on a daily basis.

By inspectors, for inspectors
Seamlessly integrates with the workflow and day-to-day experience of your team.

Columbo can be used in any industry and for every standard.

Your own inspection lists and branding; recognisable for both your inspectors and your customers.

More about Columbo Inspectionsoftware →

Custom Development

Software for your daily operations

Standard software suites are often powerful, but built for generic situations. What if there’s no fitting off-the-shelf solution for your company’s unique situation? Then we’ll help you get that solution anyway, by building you your own custom software. From first idea to full process automation: we’ll take every step together.

It doesn’t matter to us what your platform of preference is. Desktop or mobile? iOS or Android? IT- or OT-systems? We build for everything.

The best solutions don’t have a template. Building custom software means we’ll only start building when we understand your question in full detail.

Process Optimisation
Ever thought: “This could be easier,” but no idea where to start? We’ll help you by applying our years-long experience with process optimisation.

More about Custom Development →

Business Intelligence

The power of data at your fingertips

Everywhere people use IT-systems, data exists. And from that data you can extract massive amounts of information to improve your day-to-day work even more. That is, if that data’s presented nicely and clearly. We’ll help you with that.

Dashboards & Reporting
If you let us know what information you’ll need, we’ll take care of getting it presented in a neat overview.

Chain Integration
Moving data from one program to the next is often not all that easy. That’s why we build integrations; so you’ll have all your information sorted.

We’re always ready to help you discover how data can enhance your day-to-day operations.

More about Columbo Inspectionsoftware →
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