Your company depends on stable IT-services. So we apply our years of experience to make sure you get through the workday without hassle. Acquiring, installing and updating devices. Solving connection problems and managing licenses. Securing your network… We’ll do it all for you. You’ve got better things to do than manage your IT-affairs, right?

Security Bridge

At Master Solutions we love to help you make your day easier through automation and digitalisation. We also know it brings more risks. Thankfully, we’ve got over 20 years of experience with digital and industrial security.

Network Management

Master Solutions has its origins in network installation and management. So we know the importance of a stable and safe network like no other. And we gladly apply that knowledge to your business.

IT Support

Trouble logging in? Slow connection? Lost a program or email? If you’re at a loss, our helpdesk-heroes stand at attention to help you back up; by phone, by mail or on-site.

Security Bridge

The moat around your assets

At Master Solutions we love to help you make your day easier through automation and digitalisation. We also know that this brings more risks. Thankfully, we’ve got over 20 years of experience with digital and industrial security. Those 20+ are converged in Security Bridge; our complete solution for the security of all your automation.

Security Bridge is specifically designed around stability and continuity. Because knowing your work can keep going, gives peace of mind.

Clearly defined processes and access control make sure that nobody gets places they aren’t supposed to be.

New employees, services, products and customers will always force a change in your security landscape. Security Bridge scales right along with them.

More about Security Bridge →

Network Management

Your network, our concern

Your network’s the backbone of your company. Chances are that if something bad happens there, it downs your entire company. That’s why you want professionals managing that network. We have our origins in network installation and management. So we know the importance of a stable and safe network like no other. And we gladly apply that knowledge to your business.

Installation & Management
From pulling cables to maintaining your hardware updates; we take care of everything.

Monitoring & Security
We’ll keep a constant eye on things, so you can work without worry.

Back-up & Support
Things not working as planned? We’re one phone call away. And if things really take a turn for the worst, we make sure you get your data back fast.

More about Network Management →

IT Support

Problem? Solved.

Trouble logging in? Slow connection? Lost a program or email? If you’re at a loss, our helpdesk-heroes stand at attention to help you back up; by phone, by mail or on-site.

We’re people too. That’s why we always answer personally and politely. You’ll find no chatbots here.

We’ve got the certificates, you get the professional support.

We’re curious, know what’s happening in the field and give advice about new developments.

More about IT Support →
Questions? Take a look at our FAQ or contact us

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