Frequently Asked Questions


What IT services do you offer?

Master Solutions offers the following bespoke services:

○ Installation, management & maintenance of company networks

○ Securing both IT and OT systems (Cybersecurity)

○ Custom business software

○ Collecting, compiling and presenting operational company data (Business Intelligence)

How long has Master Solutions been operational?

Master Solutions was founded in 1999 as Master Network Solutions. In 2006 the company expanded with our software department. Ever since, we've been providing our customers with comprehensive IT solutions.

Which qualifications does Master Solutions have?

We are ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 27001 (Information Security) certified. This means that as a customer, you're assured of continuous improvements and the highest degree of security.

What kinds of companies work with Master Solutions?

Our current partners are mainly comprised of heat & energy suppliers, inspection companies and small-to-medium sized professional service businesses.

For which industry does Master Solutions develop products & services?

Because digital tech is indispensable in our daily lives, our products and services are designed to work for any industry.


Do you offer 24/7 support?

Our standard contracts include support during office hours; monday through friday, from 08:30 - 17:00.

Is continuity vitally important for your business? We also offer Gold Support for 24/7 availability.

What's your servicedesk's response time?

When you call us, you'll be answered by one of our employees within a minute. Together, we'll assess the priority of your question, what we need to do to get you back on track, and how long that'll take.

What's your view on security and data protection?

Our company's roots are in network security. That's why all our services come with cybersecurity measures included.

Master Solutions is ISO-certified for information security (ISO 27001) and we have our own servers. That means that we have full control over updates, security and back-ups. This means that when hosting your company data, we're not dependent on third party services such as Microsoft or Amazon. That means we can apply our own, tried & tested security measures.

Do you maintain & monitor company networks actively?

We periodically update all our equipment. Additionally, we monitor network traffic 24/7 and implement tools that automatically react to suspicious situations.

Do you assist in the acquisition of hardware and software?

Absolutely. If you tell us what you need to work comfortably, we'll get it to you ready-to-use.

Do you offer employee training?

Master Solutions offers Cybersecurity Awareness training for your employees, to fortify against attacks and data breaches.

If my comapny grows or shrinks, am I able to change my contract?

You can scale all our products up or down on a monthly basis. That way, you'll only ever pay for exactly what you're using.


What are the costs of custom software development?

That's hard to say. It depends on the kind of software you need. What does it need to do? Does data need to be exchanged with other software?

If you're curious about the costs for your own software, contact us. We'll go through your idea and we can send you a non-binding offer.

How long does developing custom software take?

Like the costs, the length of development highly depends on the software you need. Some things are easier and faster to build than others.

When discussing your idea, we'll give you an estimate of the development time straight away.

What's the process for developing bespoke software?

Software is never a goal in itself. It's a tool to help you meet goals. That's why we analyse your question first and map out your operational processes. Is custom software the best means to your end, or is there another, more efficient way to get to your goal?

In case we decide together that custom software is indeed the right solution for you, we'll first start with the technical design. After that we'll build the actual software and then test it with the intended end-users. We do this in short sprints with clear deliverables and decision points. This means you'll be involved on every step along the way and you can be sure that you get a result that works for you and your operational processes.

How is my company data secured in your custom software?

Master Solutions is ISO-certified for information security (ISO 27001) and we have our own servers. That means that we have full control over updates, security and back-ups. This means that when hosting your company data, we're not dependent on third party services such as Microsoft or Amazon. That means we can apply our own, tried & tested security measures.
